No, Megxit isn’t happening because Britain is racist

From the first moment when it became clear that Prince Harry and the attractive Suits actress were stepping out together, the British people opened their arms as wide as they could to embrace them.


Wherever they went, huge crowds turned out. ‘We love you Meghan,’ was the repeated refrain from well-wishers, as goodwill towards the couple spread across the country like a happy smile on the face of the nation.

Some of us may have winced a little during their engagement interview when Meghan spoke about putting ‘boots on the ground’ but mainly we rejoiced over two people who had fallen in love and were committing themselves to, as she put it, ‘a new chapter’ in their lives.

She was one of us now — and we were proud of it. Her mixed-race background was an additional reason to celebrate. Of course, some nasty people have spread poison about her on social media — they always do — and I dare say some stuffy courtiers privately were worried about how she might cope with the pressures of marrying into the firm.

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