Mark Halperin is seeking a comeback. His accusers have a problem with that.

But several of his accusers expressed shock and disappointment at his attempt to return to political punditry.

“Mark Halperin repeatedly abused his position of authority in the newsroom, negatively impacting the careers of many women journalists,” said Lara Setrakian, a journalist who alleged that Halperin harassed her. “He has proven himself unfit for leadership in our industry and a questionable narrator of the national conversation.”


Setrakian, the chief executive of News Deeply, a digital news outlet, added: “I can’t assess whether Mark’s apologies are sincere. But I would be seriously concerned for the next generation of young women who work in our newsrooms if he returns to a position of authority. It’s not my place to act as judge and jury over Mark’s career. But right now Mark seems to be playing that role for himself, with the help of some of his close friends in broadcasting.”

Attorney Dianna Goldberg May, who was the first of Halperin’s former colleagues to publicly accuse him, said, “It troubles me that he is more concerned with rehabilitating his career than demonstrating any semblance of understanding the gravity of the harm he caused so many women. And the fact that his friends in broadcast are enabling this effort is appalling. Mark is asking for a seat at a table in a profession where credibility and integrity are everything, now more than ever. I’m not convinced he has earned the right to occupy such a venerable position.”

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