How Trump beats Biden in 2020

There is as yet little in this web of intrigue and insinuation that concretely implicates Joe Biden in anything unethical, let alone illegal. And the fact that Rudolph Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, has been loudly calling for further investigation of the issues and people involved is a sure indication of political motives.


Yet the intrigue and insinuation are there — as is the involvement of Hunter Biden with Christopher Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, the former Democratic senator, presidential nominee, and secretary of state, in founding what the Times calls “a network of investment and consulting firms … that pursued business with international entities that had a stake in American foreign policy decisions, often in countries where connections implied political influence and protection.” How likely is it that an increasingly partisan justice department will decide to open a criminal investigation of all this — of Joe Biden, his son, and other major players in the Obama administration — at some point over the next 18 months?

Exceedingly likely.

Regardless of what such an investigation turns up, Trump-supporting Republicans will immediately conclude that Biden is just as corrupt as Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Democratic establishment.

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