Why robot dogs could be the future of package delivery

Package delivery may be going to the dogs.

In the race to automate the delivery of packages and food in urban areas, most companies have been focusing on wheeled robots. But the German automotive company Continental has another idea. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week, it showed off a four-legged delivery robot designed to walk packages right to customers’ front doors.


The ANYmal delivery robot weighs 66 pounds and is capable of carrying up to 22 poundsANYmal
In demonstrations at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the battery-powered ANYmal robot — made by Swiss robotics manufacturer ANYbotics — hopped out of Continental’s CUbE autonomous vehicle, stepped over a scooter in its path and climbed the front steps of a model front porch. Upon reaching the front door, the dogbot raised a paw to ring the doorbell and gently slid a package onto the doorstep. Before returning to the vehicle, the bot did a little dance to celebrate the successful delivery.

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