Progressives need to have more opportunities to walk in conservatives’ shoes. Just as conservatives give liberal women the benefit of the doubt that they are against the violent, racist, misogynistic elements of their party, progressives should consider that women who vote Republican may actually believe that their policy platform is the best path forward for the country. Republican women may have concluded that unnecessary and ineffective government regulations and programs often backfire on the very people they are meant to help. They really believe that lower taxes and a small government lead to better jobs, prosperity, and opportunities for all Americans. They want parents to have more control over where their children go to school and what kind of health insurance they buy. Furthermore, they may object to what seems the Left’s dehumanizing hostility to straight white men, Christians, and other women who hold contrary opinions. We think that animus toward these groups is as wrong as it would be to any other group, and we want all people treated respectfully, as individuals.
It’s become a cliché to say that we need more civility in politics. That doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Certainly, there is plenty of blame to go around for how we have gotten to where we are. But the Left should consider how the shaming and demeaning of women who don’t agree with them is making our country worse, and exhibiting the same prejudice that they purport to abhor.
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