House Democrats look to hire Parkland students to work on gun violence issues

“We think it would be a great experience for them to be on the Hill to see exactly how things operate — or doesn’t, to some degree — but also to have time with these very special young people that have experienced something that none of us ever want to have experienced and I think we can learn from each other,” House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley, who is helping lead the effort, told NBC News.


Crowley, D-N.Y., is joining with House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., and Reps. Ted Deutch, D-Fla. and Mike Thompson, D-Calif., in sending a letter to their Democratic colleagues Thursday encouraging members to open their offices to Parkland students.

“I would be thrilled if a significant number of them came up here and spent the summer helping to learn the system better so they will be even more effective advocates going forward,” Rep Deutch, who represents the district the high school is located in, told NBC News.

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