Latest info dump from Stormy Daniels’ lawyer tests the ethics rules

I could not believe it when someone texted me a link to an “Executive Summary” posted on Dropbox by Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti. He apparently shared it via Twitter (you’ll recall he blocked this lawyer weeks ago). I started to shake my head in disbelief as soon as I opened the document, because the header on every page has his firm’s name and “PROJECT SUNLIGHT.” Come on.


The document details various “suspicious financial transactions” (his language) allegedly made to Cohen through a limited liability company. No source documents are attached, and Avenatti does not disclose where or how he got his information. (More on that later.)

True to form, Avenatti makes various tantalizing assumptions throughout the report. First, he says that “approximately $500,000 in payments [were] received from Mr. Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian Oligarch.” Avenatti says the money was routed through a company named Columbus Nova LLC.

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