So here’s what I’m confused about. It seems to me that virtually every understanding of nationalism is rooted in the idea that the nation should be jealously defended from foreign interference, aggression, and insult. Even purely symbolic disrespect should quicken the blood of every true nationalist.
In ancient Greece, the Trojan War was waged over a romantic squabble. Modern Greece and the Balkan nation of Macedonia have nearly come to blows in recent years because the Greeks believe the name “Macedonia” is their historic property. Every learned American patriot knows that the Barbary Wars were fought on the nationalistic battle cry “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.”
Meanwhile, it is now an accepted fact that the Russian government attempted to meddle in our elections and is planning on doing so again in 2018 and beyond. Members of the Trump administration, with the notable exception of the president himself, are unequivocally blunt about this. But where is the outrage from the nationalist caucus?
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