“We were seated next to each other randomly during the dinner, we were chatting, and he got very friendly and put his hand on my upper thigh,” Glenn said.
“[He] was talking to me about helping me with my career, and that I shouldn’t go to law school and should come to DC and be a journalist or work on the Hill,” she continued. “He offered that I should come back to his hotel room [that night] so we could talk more about my career—and at no point did I think that is what he meant, and the touching under the table did not suggest that, either.”…
According to two sources who were present at the time, Halperin made such inappropriate overtures to at least two female students during his swing through Tulane—not just Glenn. In one instance, an adjunct professor named Mike Sherman “intervened,” as one ex-student described, while Halperin was making unwanted advances towards a female student.
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