Obamacare expansion added more than 11 million able-bodied, working-age adults to the Medicaid rolls from 2014 to 2016, at a cost of tens of billions of dollars per year in new federal spending. The expansion’s federal match rate is currently 95 percent — a much larger share than the federal government pays for traditional Medicaid enrollees.
Before he expanded Medicaid, Kasich said that 366,000 Ohioans would sign up by July 2015 and 447,000 would enroll by 2020. Actual enrollment exceeded 500,000 by the end of 2014, topped 600,000 a few months after that, and has been greater than 700,000 since February 2016.
There were 2.2 million Ohioans on Medicaid when Kasich took office in 2011, and the program cost state and federal taxpayers a total of $17.7 billion. By 2016, there were 3 million Ohioans on Medicaid at a cost of $25.5 billion — a 44 percent spending increase in five years.
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