Whatever Trump does next, it has to be about jobs and wages

Whatever the final decision, Trump and Hill Republicans are in danger of failing again if they do not direct their every action toward the creation of jobs and an increase in wages. That’s why Trump won the presidency, and it is what voters expect of him.


“Trump and Republicans have two big numbers that are the measurements of success,” says a GOP pollster and strategist involved with the efforts on Capitol Hill. “One is how many jobs are created. Two is how much wages go up. He has to have both of them.”

Democrats often point to the number of jobs created in the eight years after Barack Obama took office amid an economic meltdown. Unemployment, which hit 10 percent in October 2009, is now 4.7 percent. But median household income is less than it was 10 years ago. People who are working don’t feel they have much chance of a raise or of finding a better-paying job. That is why it is important for Trump not only to help create jobs but raise wages.

In its most recent poll — the one that found Trump’s job approval rating at 37 percent — Quinnipiac asked 1,056 registered voters this question: “Do you think the nation’s economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same?”

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