Meals on Wheels says donations surged after U.S. budget

Meals on Wheels America, the umbrella organization for 5,000 providers of home-delivered meals for seniors, said on Saturday that online donations have surged since the White House released a proposed budget that could lead to a big drop in its funding.


The organization, which provides advocacy services for the national network, received about $50,000 on Thursday after the budget blueprint was announced, compared with $1,000 on a typical day.

President Donald Trump this week proposed a 17.9 percent fiscal 2018 cut in funds for the Health and Human Services Department, which provides most of the government support for Meals on Wheels, the organization said.

The proposal did not say how the cut would affect the Administration for Community Living, the HHS agency that funds nutrition programs for the elderly, Meals on Wheels spokeswoman Jenny Bertolette said.

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