The last gasps of the Clinton dynasty

This story was followed up today by a report that Clinton is publishing a “political children’s book” entitled “She Persisted,” dedicated to “everyone who’s ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who’s ever been made to feel less than.” (It is unclear whether Clinton herself feels that she has been deprived of access to a megaphone).


This seemingly inexplicable media fascination with Clinton—who has not, as far as we can tell, shown any evidence of being a charismatic leader or innovative political thinker—makes more sense once you remember the reach and scope of the Clinton machine. The Clinton family has bestrode American politics for a generation on the power of its vast network of activists and apparatchiks and donors and loyalist nonprofits. Once political machines are set in motion—once checks are flowing, galas are scheduled, the loyalists are hired—they are hard to wind down. And that means that, as we have said before, “there has to be a Clinton in the political arena.”

What we are now seeing are the last gasps of a vast political machine trying to keep its gears spinning despite every indication that it is time for a new model. It may or may not be successful, but one thing is clear: The Clinton machine will not let itself be shut down without a fight.

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