Why the media embraced the speech: This is the Trump they want

For one brief, shining moment, the allegedly dishonest, corrupt, fake news media gave the new president the equivalent of a standing ovation. Trump is even drawing favorable comments from some of his harshest liberal critics.


And all it took was one good speech.

Here’s my explanation in a nutshell: This is the Trump they’ve always wanted, optimistic, bipartisan, reasonable, obeying the conventions of Washington.

The media like unity, centrism, discipline, working across the aisle. They don’t like division, extremism, chaos, stiffing the other party.

The highest praise that the press can offer the occupant of the Oval Office is that he sounded “presidential.” And this one has paid a price whenever he comes off as bombastic, pugilistic or undisciplined. But that changed Tuesday night.

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