Swiss town denies passport to vegan anti-cowbell campaigner "for being annoying"

Nancy Holten, 42, who was born in the Netherlands, moved to Switzerland when she was eight. She is fluent in Swiss German and her children have Swiss citizenship.


The animal rights activist has campaigned publicly against the local traditions of putting bells around cows’ necks and piglet racing, according to The Local…

In Switzerland, local residents have a say in a person’s passport application in Switzerland. Ms Holten’s first attempt at naturalisation was made in 2015, when she was approved by local authorities but rejected by 144 out of 206 residents in a vote.

“I think I was too strident and spoke my mind too often,” Ms Holten told The Local, adding her intention had not been to attack Swiss traditions but that in the case of the cowbell complaints she had been motivated by animals’ welfare. She said Switzerland is her home and a place where she has friends and relatives and work.

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