Trump "originals" say they're getting frozen out

They’ve been with him from the beginning – when no one believed he could win, and when the Republican Party establishment wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.


But now, as President-elect Donald Trump builds out his administration, the group of loyalists who helped launch his campaign and powered its stunning early victories are growing worried they won’t be getting plum jobs.

Many of them say they’ve heard nothing about their career prospects, and during furtive huddles, have been commiserating with each other about how they can’t seem to get their calls to top Trump transition brass returned. Some are convinced that party establishment figures who’ve taken the reins of the transition are giving them short shrift.

Compounding their frustration is that a number of top posts are going to mainstream party figures who previously actively opposed Trump. The president-elect is seriously considering tapping Mitt Romney, a onetime leader of the Never-Trump movement, to be secretary of state. He has already made Todd Ricketts, whose family funded an anti-Trump super PAC during the primaries, deputy commerce secretary. And on Thursday, Trump met with former Navy admiral James Stavridis, who had been vetted by Hillary Clinton as a possible vice presidential choice but now may end up in Trump’s administration.

Update: Originally, this showed Rich Lowry as the source. It’s written by Politico’s political reporting team and Lowry was not involved at all, so we have corrected it to just cite Politico.

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