Putting it all together, theoretical science grants that an extraterrestrial heptapod could work through worm holes and the other vagaries of physics to transcend time and space in its quest to help humanity, a humanity it perhaps brought into existence in the first place. One imagines Dawkins, Tyson, and Thorne would say, “Sure, why not? There’s just so much we don’t know about alien life and what’s out there.” And we haven’t even discussed the mind-blowing multiverse yet!
So, given the sheer magnitude of theoretical possibilities granted by known science, to say nothing of the unknown science waiting to be discovered, what is really so random and strange about, say, an alien being flooding the earth in order to destroy a genetic perversion of humanity bent on destroying the original species this same alien had crafted?
The answer, of course, is “nothing.” Yet, we suspect Dawkins et. al. would grant any alien scenario so long as it doesn’t involve a tri-conscious being making periodic manifestations among ancient Semitic peoples about 3,000 years ago, which in a rather singular case used as its avatar a first-century personage born in the days when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
Why? Because they have a handle on how such an alien species would behave? Please. There are a kazillion possibilities where evolutionary life could lead. In truth there’s no essential difference between the strange alien occurrences granted as scientific in “Interstellar” or “Arrival” and the miracles of scripture. Yet the former is accepted as possible, while the latter is rejected as faith-based yearning incompatible with science.
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