In debate, McCain defends decision to revoke support for Trump

I’m in the arena. If someone wants to say something disparaging about me, I understand that. I don’t understand it when it’s said about other men and some women who have been in prison. I did not like it. I spoke out strongly against it. I spoke out strongly on several other issues where I thought Mr. Trump was absolutely wrong. I’ve not been shy about it. The son of the Khan family, a man who literally sacrificed his life to save others as he approached an IED. All of those things I thought were really wrong.


But then, when Mr. Trump attacks women and demeans the women in our nation and our society, that is a point where I just have to part company. It’s not pleasant for me to denounce the nominee of my party. He won the nomination fair and square. But I have daughters. I have friends. I have so many wonderful people on my staff. They cannot be degraded and demeaned in that fashion. And so I believed that I had to withdraw my support, just as I cannot support Hillary Clinton.

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