CRIME 3: The Nixon Head. Let’s paste Richard Nixon’s face on The Nixon Head. Nixon Head is the criminal obstruction of justice perpetrated by Hillary and her key aides. It begins with The Big Hide. Hillary and her aides tried to hide evidence the rogue server existed and evidence they routinely mishandled of classified information. If they thought the server was merely shady, they knew very well their mishandling of classified information was criminal. They ignored requests by State Department information technology personnel to use a secure system. The House Select Committee on Benghazi found evidence Hillary and her aides insistently ignored advice (from many sources, including career government personnel) that they comply with the communication and document retention rules.
Yes, the Benghazi investigation. When Congress asked for documents relating to Benghazi, Crime 3’s Big Hide morphed into The Big Destruction.
This post by Jonathan Turley includes a timeline suggesting the firm destroyed subpoenaed evidence at the request of Cheryl Mills and/or Bryan Pagliano. Remember them, the human faces of Crime 1, The Server Head? Turley initially defended Comey’s July recommendation that Hillary not be prosecuted. I didn’t. Comey clearly sold out the rule of law. Now that he’s learned the FBI dished out fast and loose immunity deals, Turley has changed his mind. He is astonished that the Justice Department “would give immunity to the parties on both ends of those communications—guaranteeing that a criminal prosecution is no longer a real threat.” However, his initial defense helped buy Hillary time and helped Comey deflect criticism. Delay. Obstruct. Then more damning evidence appears—but time has moved on. The election is now less than six weeks away.
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