The polarizing clash between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has brought out the worst in people, even to the point of severing friendships, according to a national Monmouth University poll released Wednesday.
Seven-in-10 registered voters said the presidential election has brought out the worst in people (just 4 percent said this election has brought out the best in people), with a majority of respondents maintaining that the harsh rhetoric in politics is unjustified.
Sixty-five percent said the jarring language in politics is unjustified, while 3-in-10 believe it is, indeed, justified given the current state of the nation. There’s a deep divide among supporters of whether the language is justified, though: 47 percent of Trump’s supporters said it is; just 17 percent of Clinton’s supporters agreed.
“Half of Trump supporters seem to be saying let the expletives fly, but many voters blame both sides equally for the negative tone of this year’s campaign,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.
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