All the issues favor Trump

Moreover, immigration, Obamacare, and the economy are hardly the only issues favoring Trump. At a time when violent crime has begun to rise again, Trump is focused on restoring law and order, while Clinton is focused on increasing leniency in criminal sentencing. At a time when new terrorist attacks are occurring every few days or weeks, Trump isn’t skittish about saying “Islamic terrorism” and can’t be held responsible for ISIS’s ascendancy, while Clinton is and can. At a time when we are approaching $20 trillion in national debt—nearly double what the tally was when Obama took office—Clinton is calling for “free” college. At a time when the vast majority of Americans oppose providing taxpayer funding for abortion, Clinton is calling for killing off the Hyde Amendment, the longstanding protection against such practices that for decades enjoyed bipartisan support. (What’s more, then-senator Clinton repeatedly voted against what is now the federal ban on partial-birth abortions.)


Even beyond policy issues, Trump could capitalize on Clinton’s well-earned reputation as a mendacious political climber. Her astonishing claim that FBI director James Comey had called her statements to the American people about sending classified emails from her personal server “truthful” and “consistent,” when Comey actually said her statements were “not true,” is just the latest example.

Clinton, meanwhile, has only one real “issue,” if you will, in her favor—her claim that Trump’s disposition makes him unfit to hold the nation’s highest office. Indeed, the entire election will likely come down to this: Can Clinton make voters’ concerns about her challenger’s character trump the long list of issues that would otherwise favor his election?

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