Sean Hannity is melting down already because he knows he’ll be to blame for Hillary winning

Thirdly is the insanity of the notion that when Trump loses it will be because of a lack of support from conservative leaders. Forgetting that Trump is an obviously unqualified liberal who did nothing to earn their endorsement (and, again, said he didn’t want or need it), this is completely irrational.


How in the world could conservative leaders who showed themselves completely impotent to impact a GOP primary, ever possibly decide a general election which currently doesn’t look like it will be close? If they couldn’t stop Trump from winning among Republican voters, how can they be responsible if he loses among a FAR larger pool of voters, the vast majority of whom don’t care at all about what they say?

The reality is that in presidential elections, as 2008 & 2012 showed, this is a Democrat leaning country and the Electoral College makes it even more difficult for a Republican to win (though, it should be pointed out that this year there won’t be an actual Republican running). Assuming Trump loses, there is no evidence to suggest that it will be because he didn’t get enough Republican votes. It will be because the entire concept that Trump and Hannity sold to GOP primary voters that he could appeal to Democrats and Independents, while Hillary would be easy to beat, was an obvious myth. In my view, there is no election to “sabotage,” because it was forfeited the moment Trump was nominated.

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