"Law and order" won't save the Republican Party

The Trump campaign has tried to push a few key narratives at the Republican convention. They haven’t succeeded, mind you, because they keep getting pushed off message by unforced errors, like plagiarizing bromides from Michelle Obama and treating Ted Cruz like dirt for six months, then inviting him to knife the nominee in prime time.


But the convention’s intended themes tell us the messages Trump’s people are hoping he can run on, and we can expect those themes to return during the rest of the campaign. One of the main themes is law and order. They hope to respond to the recent attacks on police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge by promoting themselves as the answer to runaway crime and a war on police.

But if the Left has constructed a false narrative about out-of-control racist cops, Republicans are constructing a false narrative about runaway crime. Rudy Giuliani summed up this narrative: “The vast majority of Americans today do not feel safe. They fear for our children, they fear for themselves, they fear for our police officers.” Then, in a riff on the Trump campaign slogan, he proclaimed, “It’s time to make America safe again.”

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