I’d checked the polls again in the morning, and Remain was ahead, just as it had been for the majority of the campaign. Sensible people were going to vote in, and I could have my protest vote. For me, the polls reflected reality: I live in London, and I’m in my mid-twenties. I barely knew anyone else who was considering voting to leave.
I wanted to give the establishment a kicking. I was disappointed at the result of the general election last year and wanted something to change. After working for five years in graduate-level jobs, I’m still living in a pretty grim flat share, with more than £20,000 of student debt.
There was no way I was going to let the leaders of all the political parties, Tony Blair, big business, or President Obama bully me into a vote. The claims from Britain Stronger in Europe were downright ridiculous. If you’re reading this, David Cameron, I’m still waiting for that official statement from Isis that they’ve welcomed Brexit.
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