Republican insiders fret after Orlando that Trump might not be much of a "national healer"

Some wondered whether he failed to harness a moment to elevate himself and pass what one Republican called the “desk test” — the ability to picture Trump in the Oval Office in a time of crisis. And on Capitol Hill, his renewed call for a ban on Muslim immigration drew quick condemnations from GOP lawmakers, even as they struggled to stand by their presumptive nominee…


The speed with which Trump moved, as well as the immediate reaction by Democrats and the media, forced Republicans to develop a response in Trump’s wake. While this disconnect often happens between a presidential nominee and the party leadership in Congress, it’s far worse with Trump than in previous cycles. Trump’s media-driven campaign helps him get his message out, but it leaves every other Republican scrambling to figure out how to live in a Trump-centric world.

“[Trump] just blows up everything we want to do,” said a senior GOP lawmaker, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “Every time you turn around, he’s said something new. It’s impossible for us to keep up.”…

“Saying nothing would have been better,” said one member of the Republican National Committee. “Every Senate candidate will be forced to answer for Trump’s bizarre response. … His lack of empathy is jarring.”

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