Clinton campaign plans battleground-state media blitz hitting Trump on housing crisis

About a dozen surrogates and local elected officials in Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and elsewhere will host calls, events and release statements focused on Trump’s response to the housing crisis that precipitated the economic recession.


Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), will be engaged in the efforts and Ryan will host a conference call with reporters at noon Tuesday to hammer home the message.

“You don’t make America great by rooting for its economy to fail,” Ryan said in a statement. “While Hillary Clinton was proposing measures to ease the effects of the housing bubble on American homeowners before the crisis, Donald Trump was cheering on the market’s collapse and reportedly peddling sub-prime loans so he could try to get even richer.

“It’s a fundamental difference in the race that we’ll continue to push: Donald Trump is only out for himself, at the expense of working families, while Hillary Clinton is fighting to raise wages and incomes.”

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