John Kasich’s utterly strange, bizarre campaign

In Ohio, Kasich campaigned with Romney, who urged state voters to cast their ballots for the governor as part of a stop-Trump strategy. Certainly that indicated Kasich was the choice of the GOP establishment, didn’t it?


Of course not, says Kasich, who often refers to his service in the House but insists that the establishment fears him…

Kasich talks repeatedly about his successes as governor, including his overwhelming re-election. And it’s true, he was re-elected easily. Of course, that’s what happens when your Democratic opponent is caught in a car in a parking lot at 4:30 a.m. with a woman who is not his wife. And it didn’t hurt Kasich that his opponent’s party essentially disowned its nominee, thereby allowing the governor to run for re-election against a political cadaver.

The Ohio governor is running a “positive” campaign. He wants to bring America together again. Well, that’s a novel idea. I hadn’t heard that before. Of course, Kasich’s strategy caused him to avoid taking on Trump, leaving the dirty work to other GOP candidates with more courage. Only now, very late in the game, has the Ohio hopeful been explicitly critical of Trump.

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