Ted Cruz’s supporters have been furiously arguing this week that Marco Rubio and John Kasich should drop out of the GOP presidential race so that Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump in a head-to-head match-up.
From the perspective of anyone-but-Trump voters, there are good arguments both for and against the Cruz position. It mostly depends on whether Cruz in a two-man race would be more likely to defeat Trump in the delegate-rich contests after March 15—most of which are in blue and purple states—or whether a three- or four-man race is more likely to keep Trump from a majority of delegates.
But one argument Cruz supporters have been making in order to chase Rubio and Kasich from the field—that winning the nomination at a contested convention would be illegitimate—is as foolish as it is pernicious to efforts to stop Trump.
On ABC’s This Week program today, talk radio host Glenn Beck, a high-profile Cruz endorser and surrogate, suggested that Donald Trump is a lot like Adolf Hitler in 1929. Beck then argued that the Republican party should roll over and make Trump the nominee even if Trump fails to win a majority of delegates required to win the nomination.
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