Eight reasons we need to start preparing for President Trump

Hillary and Bill Clinton are ripe targets for Trump, who has revealed an uncanny ability to shred his opponents by brutally defining them. He blew apart former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “low-energy” and helped explode Ben Carson’s feel-good biography.


So far, Trump has confined his comments about Hillary Clinton mostly to assumptions she may not be allowed to run because of her email scandal — a dubious claim — and saying she lacks the stamina for the job.

But once he gets her in his sights, he can drill down on the e-mail controversy, hit her on Libya and the Iraq war, and go after any number of flip-flops she has made throughout the campaign.

He’s made of Teflon. Republicans haven’t been able to take him down with past heresies. He’s got plenty of wiggle room on health care, vowing not to let people die “on the sidewalk.”

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