The men who want their foreskin back

“I knew it wasn’t my wife’s fault. And I had to do something. So I went to her, on April Fool’s Day, and I told her I was going to restore.” Ron’s wife predictably thought he was kidding. “I assured her I was serious, and told her to help me be accountable, and also to let me know when I should remove the tape,” he says, as taping meant that removal would involve cleaning off the adhesive residue which was a delicate and timely process.


“I taped my penis for four years, 80 percent of the time. And during a fifth year, I only wore the tape at work, but wore a retaining cone the rest of the time. The retaining cone protects the suppleness and sensitivity of the glands and also maintains progress,” he matter-of-factly shares about his own penis, completely unabashed.

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