These are not the good guys: The right is deluding itself about law enforcement

Why conservatives and Republicans should be defensive about the fact that Baltimore, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and Honolulu are misgoverned to various degrees of criminality is a mystery. Conservatives with real political power in those cities are as scarce as hen’s teeth. Could it really be something so simple as the fact that we do not feel comfortable standing on the same side of a bright red line as the malefactors in Ferguson and such opportunists as DeRay Mckesson, now a Baltimore mayoral candidate, and Al Sharpton? Sharpton is a grotesque and one of the most dishonest men in American public life, but that does not mean that the people running Baltimore and its police department aren’t also crooked. Some police officers are indeed heroes. Some are villains. Most are ordinary, time-serving municipal employees like any other, and telling ourselves otherwise is sentimental rubbish.


We do not have to buy into the lie that Michael Brown was shot for sport by racist police. We do not have to tolerate riots. We do not have to endorse, or even passively accept, the incontinent, often irrational, and reliably dishonest rhetoric coming from the likes of Black Lives Matters. No, we do not have to listen to Beyoncé.

We do have to deal with the facts of the case.

And those facts suggest that our police departments have the same problems as our other government agencies, exacerbated by the fact that police are, inevitably, in the business of violence.

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