The populist earthquake

What’s fascinating about Trump and Sanders is that their ideological profiles are similar. Both candidates believe the American experiment is terribly out of whack and requires fundamental change if it is to be rescued. They both are happy to attack Wall Street, corporations, trade deals, and the supposedly corrupting influence of money in politics. They both support single-payer health care. They are evidence that a large contingent of New Hampshire primary voters believe something is seriously out of whack in America. And that is a repudiation not only of the Republican “establishment” but also of the Obama administration in which Hillary Clinton served.


I can’t get over the reluctance Democratic voters have to embrace Hillary Clinton as their nominee. Here is President Obama’s former secretary of State, wife to the forty-second president and twice-elected senator from New York, and she ties in Iowa and loses by double digits in New Hampshire to a septuagenarian Vermont socialist. There’s also an enthusiasm gap at work here—Republican turnout is up in both Iowa and New Hampshire, suggesting that GOP voters have had it after eight years of Obama and are ready for change. Clinton is a candidate of the past, she has no discernible message, she is compromised ethically and under investigation by the FBI. This is the candidate Democrats want to put forth in November?

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