Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump share a lot in common

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the two most surprising candidates to emerge as major factors in the 2016 presidential race. They draw the biggest crowds. They’re shouty. But there the resemblance ends, Adele M. Stan insists, in an American Prospect column that calls the comparison “the latest stupidity from Punditville.”


Far be it from me to reflexively defend my hometown. (In my defense, I’m a transplant from Boise!) But Stan is not the only one making this point; I’ve heard it from others on the left, who shudder at any likeness being drawn between their populist hero and the other side’s. The thing is, they’re wrong, and the pundits are right.

Sanders and Trump share an angry tone and a raw, un-politician-like affect that their supporters find refreshingly authentic. But the similarities don’t end there by any means. Trump and Sanders have a remarkable number of policy stances in common.

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