How Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are already consolidating their wings of the GOP

For ex­ample, among Jeb Bush donors, Ru­bio has raised sub­stan­tially more money than any oth­er can­did­ate (ex­cept Bush, of course). Ru­bio has also raised more than oth­er can­did­ates from donors to Carly Fior­ina and Lind­sey Gra­ham—oth­er cam­paign­ers in the “main­stream” lane.


To ex­plore an­oth­er ex­ample: Fior­ina’s cam­paign raised about $4.5 mil­lion in item­ized dona­tions (out of $8.5 mil­lion total) through the end of Septem­ber, ac­cord­ing to Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ings. Ru­bio’s own donor rolls in­clude over $484,000 in con­tri­bu­tions from people who also gave to Fior­ina; no oth­er can­did­ate got more than $364,000 from Fior­ina donors.

Ru­bio is also in a dead heat with Bush for sec­ond­ary sup­port from John Kasich donors, too, with each rais­ing about $110,000 from the donor pool that gave $4.4 mil­lion ($3.7 mil­lion of it item­ized) to the Ohio gov­ernor.

Mean­while, Cruz is the oth­er can­did­ate of choice among donors to a large group of can­did­ates from the “in­sur­gent” wing of the GOP. No can­did­ate has raised more from Ben Car­son donors (be­sides Ben Car­son) than Cruz, who has raised at least $628,000 from Car­son’s pool of donors this year. And the same is true of donors to Mike Hucka­bee, Bobby Jin­dal, Rand Paul, Rick San­tor­um, and Don­ald Trump, all of whom gave more money to Cruz than to any oth­er can­did­ate be­sides their own.

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