Within minutes of John Boehner’s announcement, John McCain was pleading for a GOP cease-fire.
“Let’s stop fighting with each other,” the former presidential candidate and now symbol of mainstream Republicanism said during a visit to a conservative gathering Friday. “Let’s sit down together and work out our differences with a common agenda to elect the next president of the United States, keep our majorities in the House and Senate, and put the brakes on this internecine strife.”
But a truce is not on the conservative agenda, either in Congress or on the presidential campaign trail.
Boehner’s surprising decision on Friday to resign sparked widespread celebration within the conservative movement. When Marco Rubio announced the speaker’s retirement from the stage at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, activists whooped and hollered in approval. “What a great day for America,” David Bossie, president of Citizens United, gushed.
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