The latest Pew Research Center survey, conducted July 14-20, 2015 among 2,002 adults, finds that support for renewed U.S. diplomatic relations with Cuba has increased across nearly all partisan groups since January. Currently, 56% of Republicans say they approve of the U.S. re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba, up 16 percentage points since January. Larger majorities of Democrats (83%) and independents (75%) favor renewed diplomatic relations with Cuba, up nine and eight percentage points, respectively, since then.
There has been a similar shift across party lines in support for ending the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba. Notably, some of the most dramatic change in views of U.S. relations with Cuba has come among conservative Republicans.
Currently, 55% of conservative Republicans say they favor ending the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba; in January, just 40% supported the United States dropping its trade embargo against Cuba. And 52% of conservative Republicans now say they approve of the U.S. re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba, up 19 points since January.
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