You and I can disagree with John McCain as a Senator. But that does not give any of us, including Donald Trump, the right to attack his military service.
Despite the caricature, Donald Trump is a good person and actually a good guy to work for. I’ve seen him at work. I wish Donald Trump, Sr. were running for President. Instead, we are seeing The Donald®℠™ on stage. That is unfortunate. The Donald®℠™ is a television show creation, not the man who raised up an empire of tall buildings and cares about his employees, the guests and residents of his buildings, and men and women of the country who are chasing the American Dream he found.
But, Donald Trump, Sr. needs to apologize for what The Donald®℠™ said in Iowa today, casting aspersions on the military record of a war hero. Donald Trump is better than this, or at least he should be. Someone who wants to be Commander-in-Chief should not say what he said.
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