$5: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents. He emancipated the slaves and fought a bloody war to save the republic. More than 150 years have passed since he was shot by political opponents. Perhaps a better representative of the current state of race relations and what we’re doing to improve them is embodied by Al Sharpton, a significant advisor to the White House on race relations.
$10: Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton put America’s financial and monetary system on a sound footing, so his replacement should be the man who changed that most fundamentally: Richard Nixon, who permanently broke the link between the dollar and gold, setting us up for our current system of funny money.
$20: Andrew Jackson
Jackson was always an odd choice because he vetoed the central bank. Should he really be on the central bank’s currency, even if we want to honor him for winning the Battle of New Orleans? As my colleague Robert Tracinski notes, “The reason he opposed the central bank is because he viewed it as a mechanism for giving special favors to political connected financiers–basically, as crony capitalism. And for all his faults, that was what Jackson stood for: no special favors for the elites. So the obvious replacement is Hillary Clinton, who perfected the art of turning the federal government into an engine for personal enrichment and the advancement of her friends and hangers-on.”
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