Sometimes you wonder if Obama is even trying. But the scandal is that he isn’t a naif; he is a sucker by design.
Just as he gave the Castro regime everything he could while demanding almost nothing in return, he is not too concerned with what he is getting from Iran (as long, that is, as he can abide by his Jesuitical pledge that Iran won’t get a nuclear weapon — on his watch).
As Michael Doran of the Hudson Institute writes, Iran has had three goals during its long negotiation with the West: preserving its nuclear infrastructure, rolling back sanctions, and unraveling the international legal regime isolating it. Obama is on the verge of giving it all three because he values a new detente with Iran over everything else.
This is supposed to be transformative, but it’s not clear how giving the Iran regime its nuclear program and massive economic relief and international legitimacy on top of it will modify its hegemonic designs and behavior. There is every reason to believe that Iran will continue its aggression, now with a helpful boost from the United States.
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