His voice rising with anger, Mike Huckabee blasted a federal government that leaves hard-working people scraping for $5 to put a little gas in their car while it shells out billions to Wall Street barons who take the country over the cliff.
Big companies like Goldman Sachs in 2008 “were run into the ground by the smartest people in the room” who got bonuses for “ruining the country’s economy,” the Republican preacher-turned-governor-turned-TV-personality said in a 45-minute-long speech in Iowa Tuesday night.
“And I’m thinking there’s something horribly wrong when we do not prophetically call out that kind of corruption, that kind of cronyism that exists between the powers of Washington and the powers of Wall Street, when we do not stand back and boldly declare that when you punish the productivity of good people and reward the reckless irresponsibility of others, you cannot expect the blessing of God in your economy and in your life.”…
He added: “When people say, ‘How do you think Republicans are ever going to win back areas that just believe the lies of the Democrats that government can take care of them?’ I tell you something. Folks, we say it in our churches all the time: ‘Nobody cares how much we know until they know how much we care.'”
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