Time to scrap the Olympics

But 118 years later, where’s the peace? Hitler used his 1936 Olympics to showcase his race and Reich. In 2008, the tyrants in Beijing used the Olympics to promote their regime just as Russian President Putin is now doing for his Russian Empire 3.0. In 1972, Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli athletes in Munich. In 1980, the United States and others boycotted the Moscow Summer Olympics over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Then the Soviet bloc in turn boycotted the Los Angeles Games four years later. Far from bringing peace, the games seem to be another forum for existing conflicts…


As for the spirit of sport, it has given way to the spirit of commerce and self-promotion, neither of which needs an additional venue. Opening up competition to professionals (the National Hockey League now suspends its season because so many players are on Olympic teams) and allowing commercial endorsements (like snowboarder Shaun White) made the games big business.

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