“It’s a unique experience, obviously”

The rare get-together made for some unique sleeping arrangements on a plane that doesn’t often cater to so many presidents and first ladies. During the flight, the Obamas are staying in the presidential cabin in the nose of the plane, the Bushes in the medical office just behind, and Clinton in the senior staff cabin behind that.


“It’s a very, I think, enjoyable experience, certainly for the president and first lady,” Press Secretary Jay Carney said. “And they’re both grateful to be able to have the former president and first lady, former secretary of state on board.”

Presidents Obama and Bush will be joined upon arrival by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, who are making their own way to South Africa for the memorial service. Former President George H.W. Bush is the only living U.S. president unable to attend because he can no longer travel such long distances.

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