Bulls – – t is airy, meaningless drivel, the stuff that campaigns are made of. Or it’s a misleading oversimplification with hidden qualifiers. Not only do we forgive bulls – – t, we like it. Especially suckers who have far too high an opinion of the importance and efficacy of politicians, people who hope casting a ballot is a way to expunge sin or join a noble crusade. “We are the ones we have been waiting for”? Not a lie. Just bulls – – t.
Even when Obama made seemingly specific promises like, “I want to go line by line through every item in the federal budget and eliminate programs that don’t work,” he left himself wiggle room. He still wants to do that, no doubt. He’s just too busy filling out his March Madness brackets and golfing. Or maybe he just couldn’t find a program that fails by his standards…
This week White House flack Jay Carney absurdly said Obama was “clear about a basic fact . . .” that you could keep your insurance “if it was available.” He sounded like a Publishers Clearinghouse letter saying “you just won 10 million dollars if you have the winning number.”
And it wasn’t what his boss said.
There is no escape. What Obama said wasn’t true and that’s all there is to it. To the American public, he is a different man than he was last week.
People can handle bulls – – t, but not dishonesty. We don’t like that.
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