Why Obama should be freaking out over ObamaCare

1. It’s worse than his team has let on. The White House has tried to position the failed first days of Obamacare as mere hiccups caused by the site’s popularity. Obama called them “kinks.” An administration spokesman told the Washington Post on Sunday that the “main driver of the problem is volume.” This is intentionally misleading.


The White House has heard complaints from insurance companies, consumers, and health policy experts about issues embedded deeply in the online system. For example: inaccurate information provided to people about federal tax credits; low-income people erroneously told they don’t qualify for Medicaid; and insurance companies getting confusing information about who has signed up.

The administration refuses to say how many people have enrolled through the federal exchange, the key metric for determining how well the online service is working in states that didn’t set up their own exchanges. There are two possible explanations for the Obama administration’s unconscionable lack of transparency. Their process is so screwed up that they don’t have the data, which would be embarrassing. Or they have the data – and it’s embarrassing.

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