Conservatives walked into Obama's trap

Backers of the defund strategy never offered a plausible way forward after their approach failed. Instead, they alienated colleagues who disagreed by insisting they were closet ObamaCare supporters and the defunders’ outside allies raised the threat of primary challenges. They became content to sit in judgment of plans offered by the House leadership, turning thumbs down on anything not in conformity with their now discredited tactic.


The way to undo ObamaCare is to patiently and deliberately pull at its threads with measures that will gain Democratic votes—or at a minimum highlight Democratic opposition to changes that Americans support. One such change—delaying the imposition of the individual mandate—is favored by 60% of Americans, according to the Sept. 8 Reason-Rupe poll. Republicans should use the oversight process in Congress to stress ObamaCare’s failures and inherent unworkability. They should also offer proposals to protect and strengthen private insurance.

Some of the GOP’s alternatives are unlikely to pass the Senate. So be it. Republicans can still use the opposition of the president and Democrats to win Senate seats in 2014 and the White House in 2016. Both are necessary for ObamaCare’s repeal.

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