“You get hired to do a job. Do your job!”

What does he think of his fellow Republicans now?

“I’m not gonna sit here and point out,” Christie said. “There’s enough blame to go around for everybody. Because we saw this coming for months. We’ve been talking about it for months! And the president should have intervened. I mean, today’s the first time he has people over to the White House to talk about it? Everybody’s at fault here. They all saw this coming and they all played chicken with each other and now the country’s fed up—and rightfully so—with everybody.”…


Could Christie ever survive the polarized Republican primary process and win the nomination?

“I would hope so,” [Neil] Bush answered. “I would hope that people would like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush—people that are viewed to be moderate or reasonable-minded people that like to work with others to get problems solved.”

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