Poll: Dysfunctional government replaces economy as America's top problem

At the same time, the percentage of Americans who mention some aspect of government leadership as the nation’s top problem has doubled, 33% this month from 16% last month. This almost certainly reflects the current upheaval in Washington and party leaders’ inability to agree on a way to fund the government or avoid a possible government default. October is the first time since 2008 when an economic issue was not at the top of Americans’ list of most important problems.


Democrats (36%) and independents (33%) are somewhat more likely than Republicans (23%) to mention dysfunctional government as the most important problem facing the country, perhaps reflecting partisans’ differing views about the role and importance of government.

Syria, which captured 8% of mentions last month, has faded in importance in Americans’ minds, dropping back down to 1%. The percentage of Americans mentioning the federal budget and deficit as the top problem has increased from 5% in September to 12% now.

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