Congress, staff required to buy pricey "gold" ObamaCare plans

“We all … have to go and get the gold policy. Not the bronze, not the silver, the gold policy from the exchange. That’s the only one we can get,” he said.


“You see, bronze and silver’s only good enough for everyone else in the country. For members of Congress and members of the Senate and their staff, it’s gold or nothing.”

The fact sheet also says that the only way for members of Congress to get subsidies for their insurance plan is by using the Washington, D.C., health insurance exchange, or SHOP.

“All Members of Congress, including representatives of U.S. Territories, and their designated staff will be required to purchase health insurance via the DC SHOP in order to receive a Government contribution,” it says. “The DC SHOP offers health plan options with in-network access to medical providers across the nation and overseas.”

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