Another Gosnell in Delaware?

Meanor, who previously had worked for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, described a lack of training of health-care assistants, who she said were not required to have medical credentials or prior health-care work experience. Said Meanor, “Most of the abuses I observed….stemmed from the fact that untrained health care assistants were assigned serious medical responsibilities that they were not trained to perform,” such as assisting with abortions.


She told me in an interview, “I saw the disorganization of the clinic, charts being everywhere, and a large number of sexually transmitted disease (STD) results that were not reported to patients in a timely manner. Some were eventually reported…a year later.” She repeatedly complained to higher-ups but was ignored.

Mitchell-Werbrich’s testimony echoed prior concerns she has raised publicly and privately with government regulators. She said she saw a abortion doctor Timothy Liveright “slapping a patient,” and placing patients on “operating tables still wet with the blood from the previous patient.” He refused to wear sterilized gloves during procedures and would sing “hymns about sin to girls during the painful dilation phase of an abortion” and play “Peek-A-Boo” with patients. She said he “rushed abortions” and allowed “sedated patients to wander down [the street] dazed and confused.” Then there were the unsterilized instruments that were routinely used on patients. If any of this sounds familiar, then you probably read the Gosnell Grand Jury Report.

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