Mr. President, can we please move on?

I understand why so many in the black community feel there was an injustice. The original injustice was that George Zimmerman was not arrested for the crime. He eventually was and a jury eventually found him not guilty of both murder and manslaughter. The State of Florida listened to the original outcry and responded with an arrest, investigation, and trial that rendered a verdict of not guilty from a jury of George Zimmerman’s peers.


Our system is not perfect, but it is preferable to rule by the mob. Juries are not perfect, but they are better than the court of public opinion. Many will feel justice was not served, but it was. Justice does not mean getting the outcome one side desires. Even so, those who are glad of the verdict should try to understand why so many feel so cold by what has happened and some see injustice…

Mr. President, I hope your administration will make it clear that it is time to embrace the better angels of ourselves and move on from this tragedy. A federal trial does not do that and I am heartened by your words yesterday that you seem to recognize this.

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